Moore Lab: Arthropod Systematics at the University of Arizona
Lab Publications

Ikagawa, R. and W.Moore. 2022. Molecular phylogeny and revision of species groups of Nearctic bombardier beetles (Carabidae, Brachininae, Brachinus (Neobrachinus)). ZooKeys 1131, 155-171.
Contact us!
Dr. Wendy Moore
Associate Professor, Insect Systematics
Curator, UA Insect Collection
Dr. Moore’s faculty page
Past lab photos
What do we do?
Dr. Wendy Moore and her lab members investigate the evolution and ecology of terrestrial arthropods. Specific projects focus on arthropod systematics. We use molecular genetic techniques and morphological methods to infer robust phylogenetic frameworks to identify and describe natural groups of terrestrial arthropods, to study their diversification and patterns of distribution, and to elucidate their ecological roles and to assess the impact of key innovations on their evolutionary histories. Presently lab members are focusing efforts on lineages within the Coleoptera (Carabidae: Paussinae, Brachininae, Rhadine, Synuchus), Lepidoptera (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae), and Arachnida (Pseudoscorpionida: Neobisioidea).