Arthropod Systematics: Recent and Active Projects
The Moore lab uses molecular genetic techniques and morphological methods to infer robust phylogenetic frameworks to identify and describe natural groups of terrestrial arthropods, to study their diversification and patterns of distribution, and to elucidate the ecological roles and the importance of key innovations that have significantly affected their evolutionary histories. Presently lab members are focusing efforts on lineages within the Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Myriapoda and Arachnida.
Ant Nest Beetles

Wendy Moore and James Robertson. Phylogenetic Systematics

Bombardier Beetles

Rhadine Beetles

Antonio Gomez. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Bioluminescent Millipedes

Paul E Marek. Phylogenetic Systematics

Neobisiid Pseudoscorpions

Garrett Hughes. East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)